Hyland's NuAge No 11 Natrum Sulph (1x125 tablets)

Enjoy Hyland's NuAge No 11 Natrum Sulph - 125 Tablets every day at these amazing prices! Hyland's NuAge No 11 Natrum Sulph Description: Homeopathic Tissue Remedy--For the temporary symptomatic relief of the symptoms of Constipation, Headaches, and Sciatica Nat Sulph is effective in eliminating excess water. It is the principal...

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Enjoy Hyland's NuAge No 11 Natrum Sulph - 125 Tablets every day at these amazing prices! Hyland's NuAge No 11 Natrum Sulph Description: Homeopathic Tissue Remedy--For the temporary symptomatic relief of the symptoms of Constipation, Headaches, and Sciatica Nat Sulph is effective in eliminating excess water. It is the principal remedy in influenza. Tiredness from humidity and rheumatism are other indications for Nat Sulph symptoms are worse with humidity and better with pressure and dry weather.
Nat Sulph is specifically useful for symptoms of: Constipation-difficult or deficient movements of the bowels. Nat Sulph is the remedy of choice in chronic constipation with difficulty in passing stool. Headaches are one of the most commonplaces of human ailments. Migraines and sick headaches with nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth that are worse in damp warm weather can be relieved with Nat Sulph. Sciatica is an inflammation of the great sciatic nerve which runs down the back of the thigh. It can follow as a result of exposure to cold and dampness, causing irritation of the nerve. Pressure from other causes may also be responsible for the sciatic pain. When the pain comes with rising from a sitting position or turning in bed and no position is comfortable, Nat Sulph may be the remedy of choice.
Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (Please note: Description is informational only. Always read the product label before use and check with your health professional before using this product)
Pack Size: 125 TAB

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