Frontier Bee Pollen Domesti (1x1LB )

Herbal SupplementNon-IrradiatedKosherBee pollen has long been touted as nature's perfect food. Containing more than 96 essential nutrients including vitamin C, B-complex and folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes and carotene. Combine that with its high protein content, and it's easy to see why.The pollen is harvested from a low pesticide...

10 In Stock

Herbal SupplementNon-IrradiatedKosherBee pollen has long been touted as nature's perfect food. Containing more than 96 essential nutrients including vitamin C, B-complex and folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes and carotene. Combine that with its high protein content, and it's easy to see why.The pollen is harvested from a low pesticide use area, is hand cleaned and bagged for shipment. There is no heat applied and no mechanical processing done to this product, thus it can be considered a raw food.
Pack Size: 1 LB

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